If -- Unless
أدوات تربط جملتين بسيطتين وتكون جملة واحدة مركبة Complex
الحالة الصفرية
Present......> Present
1.يذوب If we put sugar in water , it dissolves
2. If we heat iron , it expands
عند التعبير عن الحقائق يكون الفعل بعد If (فعل الشرط) فى زمن المضارع البسيط ،
كذلك يكون الفعل الثانى (جواب الشرط) فى المضارع البسيط ايضا كما المثالين السابقين
ثانيا الحالة الأولىIf + Present
Simple , Will or shall + infinitive
a) If he succeeds , he will join the university. Probable
1. اذا جاء الفعل بعد IF (فعل الشرط) فى زمن المضارع البسيط والحدث محتمل محتمل الوقوع
يكون الفعل الثانى (جواب الشرط) : (المصدر + shall او will ) مثال اخر:
b) if he buys that car , it will cost him much.
ثالثا الحالة الثانية
If + Past Simple , Would or should + infinitive
a) if he succeeded, he would join the university. Improbable
2. اذا جاء الفعل بعد If (فعل الشرط) فى زمن الماضى البسيط ويكون الحدث غير محتمل الوقوع Improbable
يكون الفعل الثانى (جواب الشرط) (المصدر + should او would ).
b) if i were a bird, i would fly.
if i were as big as you, i would beat you.
if i weren`t so busy, i would do it for you.
c) if he bought that car, it would cost him much.
رابعا :الحالة الثالثة
If + Past Perfect , Would have or should have + P.P
3a) If he had succeeded, he would have joined the unversity. Impossible
3. اذا جاء الفعل بعد If (فعل الشرط) فى زمن الماضى التام (مستحيل الوقوع) Impossible
يكون الفعل الثانى (جواب الشرط) (would have/ should have + p.p )
b) if he had bought that car, it would have cost him much.
الثلاث حالات لاداة الربط
1. If he succeeds, he will join the university.
2. If he succeeded, he would join the university.
3. If he had succeeded, he would have joined the university.
ملحوظات هامة
1. يمكن استعمال should بدلا من if فى الحالتين الاولى والثانية.
a) Should he succeed, he will join the university.
Should he succeed, he would join the university.
Should he succeed, it will cost him much.
b) Should he buy that car, it would cost him much.
2. يمكن استعمال were to بدلا من if فى الحالة الثانية فقط:
a) Were he to buy that car, it would cost him much.
3. يمكن استعمال Provided that بدلا من If فى الاثبات:
Provided that the weather stays fine, we shall go for a picnic.
4. يمكن استعمال Had بدلا من If فى الحالتين الثانية والثالثة. فى الحالة الثانية تستعمل Had بمفردها،
وفى الحالة الثالثة تستعمل Had مع التصريف الثالث للفعل.
a) Had I enough time, I would go to the cinema.
b) Had I enough money, I would buy a car.
c) Had he obeyed me, he would have succeeded.
d) Had he succeeded, he would have join the university.
لاحظ فى الجملتين (a) _ (b) ان had تقف بمفردها وتحل محل If فى الحالة الثانية،
ولكن فى الحالتين (c_d) ياتى معها التصريف الثالث لذلك تحل محل If فى الحالة الثالثة.
If + Present Simple , Present
If + Present Simple , Will or shall + infinitive
If + Past Simple , Would or should + infinitive
If + Past Perfect , Would have or should have + P.P
التصريف الثالث للفعل = p.p
المصدر = infinitive
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